Quick post: awesome finds!

So these two beauties came into my life today :). The yellow original I bought online from someone. It’s preloved and came quite dirty. I was afraid I wouldn’t be able to clean it up, but a damp cloth was all I needed to make it new again. Love the Originals for that reason alone! 😉 

The Mia Cara I found in a stationery store in town gathering dust!!! I’ve entered that store many times and never saw it until then. Of course I had to take it home with me ;).


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Now my only issue is that the Mia Cara has tiny rings…what to do? I’m hoping that there is a way to put in bigger rings. Let’s see what happens! As for the yellow Original? I already moved in! 😀 But I’m feeling guilty on all the money I’ve spent on these planners. So I may let go of one of them…maybe…

In other news, Van der Spek announced that they had 20mm rings for their pocket sized planners!!! So I’m contemplating which pocket planners I need to let go of to make room ;). But it is a seriously hard choice! I had already reduced my pocket collection and the ones that I have now I thought I would keep forever! (sigh) Planner problems :p

‘Till next time 


13 thoughts on “Quick post: awesome finds!

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    1. mmm I wouldn’t say so. I don’t think it is significantly heavier than any of my other pocket filos. I’ve moved into it now, and when I compare it to my filled up Buckingham in personal size, it is almost the same weight. It feels actually slightly light, and that’s with all my cards and some coins in it. 🙂 I will have to try and compare all of the pocket filos without inserts in them and find out.


    1. I asked on the Gillio fans facebook group and someone said that they don’t do bigger rings for the pocket. I was thinking to maybe order some from Van der Spek, but again, someone warned me that the rings of the older gillios are a bit different from the newer ones so I would have to be careful with that :/. In any case, I’ve moved in the the rings are able to hold everything I need, so it’s not a problem 😀

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